Pengembangan Ekonomi Kreatif Kelompok Wanita Tani Berbasis Sumber Daya Lokal Komoditi Pisang
Efforts to increase the income of banana farmers will be more effective and efficient if followed by processing techniques using appropriate technology. Sungai Rengas Village, one of the banana centres of Kubu Raya Regency, has not received serious attention, especially post-harvest handling, so the farmers' income is not maximized. This community service activity aims to provide information on banana processing diversification technology, provide added value to bananas through processing into sale and banana chips of various flavours and the packaging process, and generate entrepreneurial interest from processed bananas. The activity method was counselling and training. The results of the activity were obtained from the participation of KWT in producing banana chips, which were sold to Pontianak City, and now the business is growing into a micro-small business specialising in producing banana chips to meet domestic and foreign market demand, namely Kuching Malaysia. Through the provision of training on how to diversify processed bananas, the community has developed skills in the use of simple technology in banana processing.
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