Penerapan Konsep Ekonomi Sirkular Dalam Pengelolaan Sampah Untuk Menunjang Green Economy di Desa Nelayan Kondangmerak, Kabupaten Malang

Fahreza Okta Setyawan, Defri Yona, M. Arif Rahman, Naufal Firdaus, Mohammad Aditya Risqi


Waste management remains a challenge in Indonesia to this day. Several regions, including the fishing village of Kondangmerak in Malang Regency, East Java, still face obstacles in the waste disposal process. Due to its distance from the village's administrative center, 20 households in Kondangmerak are compelled to manage their own waste. Efforts involve waste incineration, but this poses new issues due to incomplete combustion. The objective of this initiative is to enhance the knowledge and well-being of the community through waste management activities. Various methods are employed, such as waste management and recycling training, the creation of plastic bottle waste bins, and the development of infographic banners on waste. The outcomes encompass improved community skills in waste management, the utilization of dedicated plastic waste bins, and the dissemination of information through infographic banners at various locations along the Kondangmerak Beach.


Recycle, Coastal, Plastic, Garbage.

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Kegiatan ini menghasilkan kegiatan bagi ibu-ibu nelayan Pantai Kondangmerak yaitu daur ulang minyak jelantah menjadi lilin serta bagi pengelola wisata berupa tempat sampah botol plastik yang diletakkan di beberapa area Pantai Kondangmerak sehingga memudahkan pengelola untuk mengumpulkan dan memilah sampah terutama dari botol plastik. Dengan adanya kegiatan pengabdian ini dapat membantu ibu-ibu nelayan serta pengelola wisata Pantai Kondangmerak dalam peningkatan ekonomi sirkular dari sampah baik itu sampah rumah tangga ataupun sampah botol.


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